The scriptures teach us that no living human has ever physically seen GOD (John 1:18). With the acceptions of Christ, of course (John 1:1-3), and Moses who got a glimpse of GOD's back side (Exodus 33:17-23).

However, I believe I can help give you a glimpse of GOD, using your imagination of course.

Start by imagining a single cell in your body. All the activity keeping that cell going, down to the very atoms, was created and is being sustained by GOD. Now multiply that by every cell in your body. GOD is in full control of each and every atom right now. Making sure they are doing what they are supposed to do so that you continue to exist in this universe. 

Now multiply that by the fact that GOD has controled each of these atoms within your body from the day you were conceived. In fact, even before that, even control of the atoms that became the cells that eventually formed what became you (Jeremiah 1:5).

Now multiply that by all the atoms that create all of mankind throughout all of time. GOD created, controls, sustains and will continue to do so. Now multiply that by all the atoms that makes up everything within the universe. Then add the unseen things of the spiritual realm.

All aspects of all creation, both seen and unseen, throughout all of time, past, present and future. All created, controled and sustained by GOD. Then add to all that everything contained within eternity past and eternity future.

At this point you might have a glimpse of just how great, how big, how grand, how awesome GOD is, but I'm not done, because that's just the stuff outside of GOD! GOD is still even bigger, grander, more awesome. 

The statement that no man can see GOD is more true than we can comprehend. The problem is that there is too many out there that have misconstrued views about GOD. I will try to address some of those here. 

#1 Atheism, Monotheism or Polytheism

I am truly sorry to inform my Christian friends, most of whom are very adamant on this dogma, but we live in a very polytheistic universe. In fact GOD even acknowledged this fact constantly in scriptures. Look to the first commandment if you don't believe me(Exodus 20:1-5), even GOD acknowledges the existence of other gods. In fact the word used for these gods is in fact "Elohim" which is the same term used everywhere in the Old Testament in reference to GOD the Father, the creator GOD. The scriptures speak of so many other gods it would be absolutely foolish of us to believe they do not exist. Morningstar is even referred to as the "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).

#2 GOD of many names

There are as many as six hundred and even up to possibly over nine hundred possibly recorded names of GOD in the Hebrew/Greek scriptures. This is not counting the name of GOD from other cultures. In my studies I have discovered that every culture believes in a loving creator GOD. To claim that because their GOD is called by a different name means they do not worship GOD is like saying, a Christian worshipping Jehovah, a Hebrew worshipping Yahweh and a Greek worshipping Theos are all worshipping different GOD's! I'm sorry, but they are the same GOD, different name, different cultures, same GOD. So whether it's God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Theos, Allah, Pangu, Waheguru, Hayyi Rabbi, or anything else. Yes, the details of the story may differ due to cultural traditions but the basics are always the same, there was nothing, then GOD creates and sustains everything.

#3 The attributes of GOD

Anyone that worships GOD will agree that GOD is Omniscient (Psalms 139:1-4, 1 John 3:20), Omnipotent (Job 42:2), Omnipresent (Psalms 139) and Holy (Isaiah 5:16). Most will also agree that GOD is Love (1 John 4:8). Here are some attributes most people forget, first GOD is the Creator GOD. Everything in this universe, both seen and unseen, are created by GOD (Colossians 1:16, John 1:3). Here's where it gets difficult for some Christians to understand, this means that yes GOD created sin. Don't believe me? Who created the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Therefore both aspects of the tree, good and evil, must be created by GOD. The argument that GOD is holy therefore cannot create evil is a non argument and here is why, if GOD is holy, then either GOD must create the negative aspects in the universe for us to understand the positive aspects of GOD, or the only other option is that GOD created an imperfect creation which then makes GOD imperfect and not holy. A perfect GOD could not create something that is imperfect. Of course both of those choices are far to difficult for most Christians to comprehend about GOD the creator. Scriptures even tell us that GOD will not allow us to be tempted or tested above what we are capable of handling (1 Corinthians 10:13) which therefore means GOD is the author of our temptations and tests. To often we forget that GOD is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent and is in full control of all things, scriptures even tell us that making wrong choices brings about bad things into our lives and GOD is the author and creator of this law of reaping and sowing for both the good and bad results. Once again, GOD is in control of everything because GOD created everything (John 1:3). 

#4 GOD is Plural 

GOD is not a singular entity. It is well known in the Christian realm that GOD is a Trinity; Father, Son and Comforter. It is well known that they are always together from the beginning (John 1:1-2). All through Christ's ministry He proclaimed that He and the Father were One (John 10:30). In fact the very term Elohim, the name used in scriptures for GOD translates into the plural term for gods. So, to be perfectly honest with you, the first verse in Genesis really translates as follows, "At the very beginning the gods created out of nothing the non-physical spaces and the physical spaces." (basically the first separation of creation of the seen world, the physical, from the unseen world, the spiritual), but you're never going to hear that in Sunday School. Basically GOD is an entity with multiple parts, each part having their own purpose, personality and identity but all having the entire power of GOD.

Final point

For me GOD is greater than anything we can possibly comprehend. My GOD is the GOD of Adam, Noah and Abraham. The GOD of Issac, Jacob and the Prophet's. The GOD that put on flesh to become the sacrifice for our sins. The GOD that dwells everywhere, including within us. The GOD that is preparing our eternal dwelling for after we exit these temporary mortal bodies. The GOD of gods, creator and sustainer of all things seen and unseen. Compassionate over His creation. Keeps guard over the boundaries of the dimensions. Gives us our destinies even before we are born. The Greatest of divinities, the Guardian of dimensions, the Giver of destinies...



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