GOD told His people to build only ONE building for worshipping Him, the Temple in Jerusalem (1 Chronicles Ch. 28).

Man attempted to build a building to get closer to GOD, the Tower of Babel. (Genesis 11:1-9)

GOD was angered and cursed man with confusion for the Tower.

GOD is pleased with the Temple.

Man continues today to build buildings all over the world trying to get closer to GOD. This is NOT pleasing to GOD, multiple buildings each with their own point of view, their own version of "Christianity", their own way of following GOD, no two are exactly alike, this does nothing but cause more confusion worldwide. (1 Corinthians 14:33)

The Great commission literally says GO and teach, not STAY and make them come to you. Christ and the disciples wandered and taught in the homes of friends and family or in the open.

For that matter, if you are serving GOD in one of these buildings and getting a paycheck then you are NOT serving GOD, you are serving Mammon, you are working for the money. (Matthew 6:24-26)

Serving GOD, according to scripture, is a sacrifice. (Philippians 2:4)

So if you are being paid to serve GOD, then it's not really a sacrifice, is it?

Christ was so angry at the men taking money from GOD's people in the House of GOD that He tipped over their tables and whipped them, so what makes modern day preachers think Christ would be ok with it today? (Matthew 21:12-13)

You may be asking "What do I do then?"

It's simple.

#1 Pray. (Matthew 6:5-8) Prayer is a private matter between you and GOD. Not a public display.

#2 Study the scriptures. (2 Timothy 2:15) Through studying you must show GOD that you are worthy of knowing His truths.

#3 Worship together. (Matthew 18:20, Hebrews 10:25) Whenever two or more gather together ANYWHERE with the intent to study scriptures, or worship GOD together, Christ is right them with them.

No building needed.