We are warned in scriptures about the lies of Morningstar. (John 8:44) However it is much more than that, Morningstar wants to be like GOD. (Isaiah 14:12-14) Therefore, Morningstar's greatest lie is to not only copycat the gifts given by GOD but to also fool us in two ways. The first is by causing it to look like people that do not have GOD's power are truly able to accomplish these abilities through the actual help of his demonic followers. Second, he has fooled GOD's people into thinking that ALL people with these abilities are truly evil.

Let me explain these abilities with their technical names alongside the examples given when Christ performed them.

Divination - Christ knew the minds of those around Him (John 2:25)

Transmutation - water into wine (John 2:1-11)

Transmogrification - changed appearance when speaking to the spirit's of two dead saints (Matthew 17:2)

Conjuration - feeding the 5000 (Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:31–44; Luke 9:12–17; John 6:1–14)

Necromancy - speaking to and raising the dead (Mark 5:38-42; Luke 7:11-16; John 11:1-45)

Healing - multiple occasions

Cursing - the fig tree (Matthew 21:18-19; Mark 11:13-14 & 19-22)

Alchemy - spitting on the ground making a mud poultice to rub on the blind man's eyes to heal him (John 9:1-7)

Astrology - spoke about the sun, moon and stars being signs (Luke 21:25-26; Matthew 16:1-3)

Incantation - the Lord's prayer 

Levitation - walking on water (Matthew 14:25-27)

Weather Control - calming the storm (Matthew 8:23-27)

Speaking to Demons - multiple times 

Even in the Old Testament we have encounters with witches and wizards.

The Witch of Endor in the Old Testament tried to conjure the spirit of the Prophet Samuel for King Saul, she was only successful because GOD allowed her to do it.(1 Samuel 28:3-25)

The greatest wizard battle in history happened in the Old Testament between Moses and Aaron against the Pharoh's wizards, they used the same spells but Moses' power came from GOD therefore his snake/staff ate the snake/staffs of the others and they won. (Exodus 7:9-8:19)

We are told in scriptures to avoid such things, obviously if the gift does not come directly from GOD. (Deuteronomy 18:10-11; Exodus 22:18 Leviticus 20:6; Galatians 5:19-21) If we were to avoid ALL such things they why would Christ Himself have such abilities then pass these abilities on to His disciples and then GOD tell us in scriptures to follow such men? Also, why would GOD give us specific instructions on how to converse with spirits in the scriptures of we were never intended to do so? (1 John 4:1-3)

We are taught in scriptures to "be like Christ" so do not be fooled into thinking any of these things are evil if they are truly a GOD given gift. So how can you tell if they are from GOD? Well if someone is performing such acts for fame, glory, popularity or money, basically self promotion, even under the guise of helping others, then they are NOT doing it for GOD. If they are doing these things to truly help people, for no reward, no recognition, that's how you know they are truly GOD's gifted people.

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