As a Theologic Enigmatologist I have dedicated my life to studying the mysteries of GOD, life and the universe. (Trust me the answer is much greater than 42.) I have discovered some amazing and interesting things over the decades. For example, almost everything you have ever been taught in school is either a direct lie or based on a lie.
You see, we live in a world where the rules are made up by the rich and powerful. The history books are written by the winners of the wars. Morals are decided by unfaithful saints. Laws are made up by governing bodies that will forever fight, argue and blame rather than work together to actually help their people.
It is because of this that I have continually attempted to share the things I have discovered with the world through the Internet by means of websites, YouTube channels and even Facebook. Over the last several years I have had multiple versions of these shut down because, apparently there are people out there that do not want the general public actually knowing what I have learned!
R.I.P. Believers in the Proof of the Truth
R.I.P. Proof of the Truth
R.I.P. Infinit Conundrum
R.I.P. Ecclesiastia of Many Pebbles
I will not be silenced! I have acquired the proper legal back up this time to protect my constitutional right of free speech. With that being said I will even give a disclaimer that the beliefs expressed on this sight are not represented by any Organized Religious Group, Church or Denomination, they are solely the opinions accumulated from my research of thirty plus years on these subjects.
For those of you that have been followers in the past, welcome back. If this is your first time, then simply welcome.
Signed, your humble host, Reverend William Swoffer
P S. New YouTube coming soon as well!
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