The rules of this world are made by the rich and powerful.

The history books are written by the winning side.

Even scientific discoveries are sometimes considered insane until enough scientists come to the same conclusion that the one that discovered it did.

Sadly this holds true in our religious realms as well.

The rich and powerful denominations make all the rules, but call them tradition.

They try to control the parts of history you learn about while leaving out the negative impacts they had on other civilizations and cultures.

When someone comes along and points out that what they are doing is against scriptures the entire church rises up against that one and makes the community think they are the one that is crazy or even evil.

We here at Wayfinder Theologic Fellowship have gone through this persecution ourselves. We have had YouTube channels and Websites under other names shut down for speaking the truth.

We will not be silenced!

The truth will find a way to shine forth in this dark world, if not by us, then by those that GOD reveals the same truths to.

For those of you that have been followers in the past, welcome back. If this is your first time, then simply welcome.

I hope you all enjoy the truths we plan on sharing here on our new site. Some old, some new, but all will be controversial and worthy of long discussions with your family, friends and neighbors.